Original Oil Paintings

See the full collection online and at The Chapel Gallery in Glasshouses, HG3 5QY.

A select range of framed original oil paintings can be seen below. This collection is updated regularly so be sure to keep an eye out for what’s new.

6″ x 10″ (15cm x 25cm)

10″ x 12″ (25cm x 30cm)

12″ x 16″ (30cm x 41cm) and 14″ x 16″ (36cm x 41cm)

12″ x 24″ (30cm x 60cm)

18″ x 24″ (46cm x 60cm) and 20″ x 25″ (51cm x 64cm)

24″ x 36″ (60cm x 91cm)

36″ x 47″ (91cm x 119cm)

36″ x 48″ (91 x 122cm)